

As we pointed out previously, Europe has been a leading voice in public and government support of Quantum Computing. Here are some new initiatives from this week in this regard.

UKQuantum Open Up Membership to All Players

UKQuantum is an industry and government consortium representing UK’s quantum computing industry. The UK is on the path to investing over £1 billion in quantum technologies through its National Quantum Technology Programme. Original founding members of the consortium include BTOrca ComputingOxford Instruments, and Nu Quantum. With this week’s announcement, UKQuantum will open its membership to all players.

EuroHPC to roll-out Quantum Computers for R&D

The EuroHPC JU is an entity set-up to enable the EU and EuroHPC participating countries to coordinate their efforts and resources to make Europe a world leader in supercomputing. EuroHPC has selected six sites to host and operate the first EuroHPC quantum computers: Czechia, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, and Poland.

These new systems will be available primarily for R&D purpose to European users and researchers to help support the development of a wide range of applications. 

November 2022