


Qubit/TIDBIT from GooglyTech is a weekly newsletter on the Quantum Computing Industry.

We strive to keep our writing crisp and information easy to read.

To sign-up for Qubit/TIDBIT, please click here.

Here are some other examples of our newsletter –

In this issue of Qubit/TIDBIT from GooglyTech, some of the news we write about –

  • Bosch Using Quantum Computing in Materials Science Innovations
  • Algorithmiq Joins IBM Quantum Network – Quantum Chemistry Use-Cases. Launches Aurora – Drug-Discovery platform
  • Fascinating Q&A with Dr. Sabrina Maniscalo, CEO and Co-Founder, Algorithmiq
  • Crédit Mutuel Partners with IBM – Upskilling Employees in Quantum Computing 
  • Microsoft Announces Free Azure Quantum Resource Estimator

In this issue of Qubit/TIDBIT from GooglyTech, some of the news we write about –

  • A Unicorn is Born – Xanadu Valuation at $1 Billion – Raises $100 Million Series C 
  • IBM Announcements from Annual Quantum Summit – Osprey is Launching – Tripling Size of Quantum Processor
  • Finland and Germany – Quantum Innovation
  • Vodafone – Telco Use-case

 In this issue of Qubit/TIDBIT from GooglyTech, some of the news we write about –

  • German Aerospace Center DLR Awarding €208.5 million in One of the Largest Contracts to Date. 
  • ColdQuanta Raising a Whopping $110 Million in Series B Funding
  • Qandela and EDF Partnering on Energy Use-Case

 In this issue of Qubit/TIDBIT from GooglyTech, some of the news we write about –

  • Battery Simulation Use-case for Automotive Industry – Volkswagen and Xanadu
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics – A Classiq Rolls-Royce Story
  • Where AI meets Quantum – Multiverse Mila Partnership
  • How to Sell and Use Quantum – D-Wave on Braket
  • Classiq and QuantrolOX Funding News

In this issue of Qubit/TIDBIT from GooglyTech, some of the news we write about –

  • Untangling Quantum Entanglement – 2022 NOBEL PRIZE FOR PHYSICS WINNERS
  • First Commercial Quantum Computer in a Colocation Data Center
  • Multi-million $ deal for IonQ
  • Use-case – Optimizing Flight Path Trajectories using Quantum Computing
  • Post-quantum Cryptography is here today

In this issue of Qubit/TIDBIT from GooglyTech, some of the news we write about –

  • the much-pondered question about Quantum market hype vs. reality
  • Rigetti’s announcements from its first Investor Day
  • Technology developments from Toshiba, Toppan, BlueQat
  • Professor Eduardo Reck Miranda’s Quantum computing-generated music

To Sign-up for our Newsletter – please click here