Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale office, France. Source: Crédit Mutuel press media
A large part of initial adoption strategy for Quantum Computing lies in providing an environment for employees to learn and experiment using quantum systems. Both vendors and large customers have embraced this seeding process. Some recent stories that highlight the investments in quantum computing for employees and users training – Finland’s quantum-supercomputer fusion, Vodafone partnering on telco use-cases.
Upskilling and Training in Quantum Computing – Crédit Mutuel
As part of the ecosystem updates from IBM Quantum Summit 2022, IBM and Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale (through its IT arm – Euro-Information) announced the discovery phase of an engagement to help Crédit Mutuel employees upskill and train in quantum computing.
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale employees will have access to IBM’s quantum technology and Qiskit Runtime as a service with their membership in the IBM Quantum Network program. In addition, Euro-Information is also looking into the possibility hosting a quantum computer in its datacenters in France in the near future given digital privacy requirements. “Now is the moment for our quantum journey to start with IBM, to ensure our clients and employees will be the first in France to benefit from quantum,” says Nicolas Théry, President of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, and Frantz Rublé, President of Euro-Information.
Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale will also use this quantum platform to explore use cases in financial services. “Quantum computing’s specific use cases for financial services can be classified into three main categories: targeting and prediction, trading optimization, and risk profiling,” says IBM in its report on quantum computing use cases for financial services. For financial services companies, post-quantum cryptography concerns are also top of mind.
About Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale
One of France’s leading bankinsurers, Crédit Mutuel has 75,000 employees serving more than 29 million customers with equity totaling €53.2 billion in 2021.
November 2022